
Issues and bug reporting

If you encounter any issues and are unable to run GlobaLeaks:

  • Ensure you strictly follow the Installation Guide.

  • Verify that you meet the Technical Requirements for hardware and operating system version.

  • Search the support forum to see if a user has already encountered your issue: GlobaLeaks Discussions

  • Report the issue on the official software issue tracker: GlobaLeaks Issues

Useful debugging commands

Depending on your setup, here are some common checks to determine if GlobaLeaks is working:

  • Is the service running?

service globaleaks status
  • Is the service responding on the loopback interface?

curl -kis -vvv localhost:8433
  • Is the service listening on external interfaces?

netstat -tap
  • Are exceptions being generated?

less /var/globleaks/log/globaleaks.log

Log files

Here are some useful logs and their corresponding files when GlobaLeaks is installed:

GlobaLeaks process:


The verbosity of the logs is configurable via the web interface of the software under Advanced Settings.