Backup and restore

To perform a manual backup, you can use the following bash script:

set -e

if [ -d "/var/globaleaks" ]; then
  timestamp=$(date +%s)
  version=$(dpkg -s globaleaks | grep '^Version:' | cut -d ' ' -f2)
  echo "Creating backup of /var/globaleaks in $filepath"
  mkdir -p /var/globaleaks/backups
  chown globaleaks:globaleaks /var/globaleaks/backups
  tar --exclude='/var/globaleaks/backups' -zcvf "$filepath" /var/globaleaks

After running the script, you will find a tar.gz archive in /var/globaleaks/backups. The file will be named in the format: globaleaks-$version-$timestamp.tar.gz.

GlobaLeaks automatically performs a backup during each platform update. These backups are retained under a data retention policy and are deleted 15 days after the update.

To restore an existing backup:

  • Ensure that GlobaLeaks is not running; you can stop it using: service globaleaks stop.

  • Identify the version of GlobaLeaks required for the restoration, which is indicated in the backup filename.

  • Extract the contents of the archive to /var/globaleaks using: tar -zxvf backup.tar.gz.

  • Install the required version of GlobaLeaks with: apt-get install globaleaks=<version> (e.g., globaleaks=3).